They are fun. They take almost no time to digest Malaysia Phone Number List They're easy to share if you need a quick, easy way to make a friend or colleague laugh. Marketers know that reaching young audiences is critical to their long Malaysia Phone Number List term success. For these audiences, memes are an integral part of online communication. In fact, 38% of millennials and 64% of Gen Z follow dedicated meme accounts on social media . Meme Malaysia Phone Number List based discourse isn't going anywhere - so you might as well embrace it. What is a meme? If you're trying to explain memes to someone who doesn't spend much time online, you might call them "funny internet pictures.
While not every funny picture is a meme, almost anything Malaysia Phone Number List can be a meme, no matter how funny it started out. Back in the pre internet era, biologist Richard Dawkins coined the term "meme" to describe ideas and concepts Malaysia Phone Number List that traveled between cultures, mutating in the same way genes do on their journeys . Somewhere along the line, the word is applied to images shared, captioned, and remixed online. Popular early memes like Success Kid and the Lolcats had specific themes and characters that gave Malaysia Phone Number List you an idea of what the meme was about and conveyed that the image was actually a meme.
Over the years, the meme format has Malaysia Phone Number List been distilled into its purer essence. While recurring meme characters and framing are still widely used, many of the memes you see today are just an image with some plain text explaining the specific feeling or situation that the image evokes. When memes capture something that's hard to Malaysia Phone Number List express in a funny, satirical, or deeply relevant way, they take off like wildfire. What is emoji marketing? The simple idea behind meme marketing is to use memes as part of social Malaysia Phone Number List media content by associating memes with brands . Three-quarters of all internet users between the ages of 13 and 26 share memes with their contacts . This statistic means that if you post a good meme, you're likely to see some free, natural distribution.