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To address the other part of Bill's question, I haven't thought of the class of cases where a text would be "later ... republished under an English title that needs to be a variant of the original [English language] one". And it's a good question too since there is nothing preventing US/UK/Oz editors from changing the title to something completely different if and when they decide to publish the books in English. Besides, the English language titles that we would use under the proposed rules may be literal translations of the known foreign language titles and not what the author originally had in mind. I can't think of any SF examples off the top of my head although some Harry Stephen Keeler mysteries that appeared only in Spanish and Portuguese in the 1950s and were finally published in English in the 2000s may qualify. I guess in a case like that we would have to create VTs for the newly minted English titles.
(unindent)Help:How to enter foreign editions as per the discussion above. Corrections and additions are more than welcome. Help:How to parse data in library catalogs created, although Bill's comments about 17.5 cm UK books made me wonder if the UK part needs to be beefed up. Ahasuerus 00:05, 22 Feb 2008 (CST)
(Unindent) I'm a bit worried about the proposed DELETION of letters, when I've already seen quite a lot of effort to get them included in certain circumstances. I propose a more "live and let live" policy - if somebody wants to add letters, let them, so long as they keep to the usual regularization rules for title and do the pseudonym set-ups. If people want to encourage entry of such for certain types of publication, that's fine too, but every editor should be able to say when that's more than they want to deal with, and the people wanting such entries can go do it themselves. The magazine editors seem quite happy to go into more detail than I would on a magazine, and if me just doing the SF contents doesn't help then they can ask me to leave them alone so they don't get confused by my verifications, or just accept that a verification by me doesn't mean the same as a verification by one of them and more work is required to bring it up to their standards. Similarly, I'm not asking people to find coverart images for books they've verified, or for details of every other price noted on it. I may ASK if the cover I found is right, or ask if the price is the main one or just the additional one added for their country, but there's no requirement to go do this additional work or even answer. But the more we add to the "desired data" list, the more relaxed I think we have to be about whether it's actually required before it's an acceptable entry or not: and when we start talking about DELETING data just because not everybody wants it in the pubs they're interested in, we really ARE going to start putting editors off. BLongley 21:39, 13 June 2008 (UTC)
On ISFDB we have been lax about this and there are many title records where the date is the magazine date and it's possible there is an informal consensus that publication in magazine counts as "published." If instead we decide the date really should be the first book publication date then an idea that just came to me would be to use a single title record for the magazine and book publications but to date it the date of the first book appearance. Anyway, I'd personally prefer that the title date for a story be the first date regardless on if it's in a magazine or book form. Serialized novels though would use the first publication date of that novel as a whole. The reason I brought this up though is that I believe there is a rule out there about magazines though of course I can't find a reference that supports this... Marc Kupper (talk) 04:08, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
Please see User talk:Mhhutchins#Tactics of Conquest for background. In this case, the published book includes an invalid (does not pass checksum test) ISBN, which was duly mentioned in the notes when the book was entered and verified. A relatively new editor has submitted a change to an ISBN that does pass checksum validation, and that correctly retrieves data about the correct title, and apparently the correct edition, from amazon.com and ISBNdb.com.
CHAPTERBOOK. This is used for anything smaller or flimsier than a standard paperback. These are often, but not always, saddle-stapled; publications from conventions are frequently in this format. This format is also used for separate publications of a single work of short fiction, even if bound as a standard paperback or hardcover. It is also used for an ebook or audio edition of a single work of short fiction.
One major issue to consider is DES' Megabooks example. A number of late 19-early 20 century publishers had offices in London as well as New York and it's important to record whether a particular edition was published by "Megabooks (London)" or by "Megabooks (New York). I am not sure if this distinction has been made clearly in the last few decades, but the recent tsunami of mega-merges and acquisitions makes me wonder if there have been books published in "New York London Berlin" and then, separately, in "London Tokyo Warsaw" or something equally bizarre. Perhaps we could ask somebody currently in the publishing business, e.g. Andrew Wheeler, formerly with the Science Fiction Book Cub?
Question in play here is whether to use the ISBN# or the SFBC catalogue # in the pub record. For about the last 10+ years the SFBC editions have included the trade editions' ISBN on the copyright pages and the back covers. The designation "Book Club Edition" has been removed from the front flap. All that's left to distinguish the different edition is the catalogue ID# (besides the physical size difference on most, but not all) and the lack of certain data on the copyright page (a number line, usually, but not always). These differences are easy to see with book-in-hand. But one of this site's primary uses is for searches, and an ISBN will never bring up an SFBC specifically (other than those newer omnibuses unique to the SFBC). Inputing an SFBC catalogue # won't bring up an SFBC title either, though it could at some point, but not if those ID#s exist only in the notes. If the SFBC had never done anything but reprints, it could almost be a footnote, but with the unique omnibuses and the few first hardcovers it produced, in some cases the only hardcover edition (PKD's "The Preserving Machine" comes to mind) or the true first edition (Herbert's "Hellstrom's Hive") that option doesn't come into play.The SFBC issues are many, this being just one. For any to be resolved, or at least handled in a consistent manner, data needs to be as accessible as possible.--Bluesman 16:04, 15 October 2008 (UTC) 2b1af7f3a8